Wednesday, October 15, 2008

i love the smell of fall

ughhh back to everything. FART on this group project, i'll be fucked if i get a bad grade because kelly feels like procrastinating and sam can't apparently tear herself away from talk about dick-all with jenny. WOW, HOW OLD DO WE SOUND. anyway, i'm not busting my ass to pay for school just so that i can flunk out. that is a bit extreme. but.
speaking of busting my going to victoria this weekend for liam's birthday. well mostly to see jenna, but liam's birthday just happens to be this weekend. and i just happen to feel like drinking and dancing all night and singing old showtunes, which is what happened last time i was there. actually there is a video of that. ugh.

in other news, i ate all of my turkey day leftovers. back to grilled cheese and ichiban for this poor student.
and in even more news, i have been fake-messaging big. that is, i have been starting a message but never sending it. whoops. i blame this all on the dream i had where i hacked into facebook and somehow managed to creep all of his pictures, but he either had no face or he had this weird blank face. with a goatee. and in one picture he was in spain standing outside of a shop. in another he was playing guitar.

and in a last news bulletin, my newest roomie, bertram the spider, has disappeared since last night. if he surprises me, i will probably Tilex him to death (i don't know when this became my preferred method of spider killing. it's because i don't have to get so close then.). sorry bertram. don't say i didn't warn you.

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