Thursday, October 2, 2008

gettin' lucky in kentucky

that was weird. blogger just told me that my cookies needed to be enabled or something. my cookies don't need to enable anything, blogger...

don't know what to think about my landlords lately. i get the feeling that they're not happy with me ever since the Weekend Fiasco, which is fair enough. i wouldn't be too thrilled about two drunk girls stumbling in at four in the morning while i was sleeping, screaming and trashing an apartment and calling men from the bar to come on over. oh, but wait. i WASN'T too thrilled, because i WAS sleeping. and it was MY apartment they had trashed. and all i was doing was trying to be a nice friend and let two girls from nanaimo stay at my place while i ended up quitting the black hole of soul aka urban outfitters that weekend and having a breakdown because that fucking job was draining me and now my apartment was a fucking mess. and was then told that if it happened again i would have to find. another. place. to live. and to be honest, it is NOT possible to find another nice basement suite for $550 a month in north van.
the best part about all of this is, what did i do? i tried to give a girl i had never even met a nice birthday by letting her crash after a night on the town. consequences: trashed apartment, four hours of sleep, and put in the black books by my landlord.
that is the last time i try to be nice to somebody.

while i'm on a rant, let's discuss blonde girl in english class. no idea what her name is. no real desire to learn it (especially after today). now what could her insightful views be on virginia woolf's the death of the moth? "this paragraph is like, stupid. it's like, she talks about this stupid moth and all this energy and then it like, dies? it's like, shut up already."
i think i got whiplash turning around to look at her. did you just tell virginia woolf to shut up? to be fair, i am an avid pro-virgina woolf reader. and in her defense, this girl had probably never even heard of her. later, blonde girl also gave us this little gem: "she's so like, random, she's like talking about ploughmen." oh, i am so sorry. i didn't even realize that virginia woolf wrote this essay for us TODAY.
i am not a snob. i am not the most well-read person i know. i don't even have anything against people who throw in the word "like" four times in a sentence; i am just as guilty of it. but i hate, i hate with a passion people who are stupid for the sake of being stupid. grow up. if you don't understand it, it's not stupid. for fuck's sake. and since i am so being so dramatic, i can throw this out there - i despair.

in other news, The Engineer invited me over for dinner tomorrow. that is, The Engineer asked me if i wanted to hang out this weekend and i pretty much told him only if he made me dinner. and since kits is a bitch for me to get there, i will probably be staying there. oops. don't even know if it's happening yet, but if it is...bad bad bad idea. oh this'll be good.

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