Friday, October 17, 2008

puddle jumping

i let a very sick kelly stay here last night after an a&w run and a pint of ice cream we devoured at my place. that is terribly cliche. but it was also terribly good. haagen dazs vanilla caramel latte ice cream, and i am never going back.

packing, getting ready now. am meeting judith from citystage new west at 1, all the way west. and then to the ferry. and then to the university. ugh, what a miserable day to be traveling. oh, well.
who knows what the day will bring. i'm guessing alot of wet feet and ruined hairdos. i couldn't, however, be more excited to see jenna. and...liam. i'm thinking he won't be too far out of my sight with jenna around.
by 'let a very sick kelly stay here last night' i meant 'made a very sick kelly stay here last night', since my phone had gotten wet and was now going haywire. first it dialed every number in my phonebook. then it tried to text half the people as well. then the voice command menu wouldn't shut up, so my cell phone sat on the dresser talking to itself for about half an hour. i was afraid it was going to actually start talking to me and implode or something.
also kelly fell asleep during eddie izzard dress to kill. so i put a blanket over her and went to sleep myself. my phone finally shut up, too.

and now i'm off, across the water, to victoria for the weekend!!

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