Saturday, October 4, 2008

maybe kentucky ain't so lucky

dinner at The Engineer's went well. nothing happened. nothing exciting, anyway. maybe exciting things WOULD have happened, but Philip showed up. we all got buzzed on tequila and played Wii. and watched arrested development. i know. stimulating, eh.
by the time 1 a.m. rolled around, The Engineer was asleep. Philip got up to leave and i asked him 'where am i sleeping?' he said 'i don't know. here's a sleeping bag.' i crawled into bed with The Engineer. 'are you awake?' i whispered. 'now i am,' he said. 'i'm not tired...' i told him. hint hint. apparently he was. we talked about home, and life in Vancouver, and high school, and our new apartments. i fell asleep and had a dream that he told me he didn't like the way i acted around him. he also told me that anything happening between us would be a bad, and only bad, idea. i wasn't very thrilled when i woke up.
and i hate to say it, but it felt nice to fall asleep next to a guy. the few hours we spent after we woke up, however, were awkward. awkward awkward awkward. he made me rice krispies for breakfast (did i mention that it was bratwurst with chicken orzo for dinner? delish.) and we played something on nintendo, i have no idea what. i was absolute crap at it. anyway, there was tension. and fuck, i wanted something to happen so badly. i don't know why.
nothing did. now it's raining and i am going to see nick & norah with james and kelly. i don't know what to think of james. i've never met anybody who stayed good friends with their ex, therefore making my job as friend easier, because there is nothing to do but hate them. not go to movies and maybe the bar with them.

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