Monday, November 3, 2008

je sais comment

a girl donia who i am going for coffee with tomorrow just asked me what my interests are. i said edith piaf, mini-wheats, old buildings, pretty rainboots, and allen ginsberg.

well that was quite the weekend. saturday night was the jason collett show. i met him. i hugged him. the world imploded. and i died happily.
honestly though, it was an amazing concert. somehow richard's on richards got double booked (there was a fetish party going on after...i had to wade through the fetish-ees to get out) so the band only played for an hour. the opening band...rock plaza central? i loved them. jason was phenomenal. my opinion might not count since i was standing at the edge of the stage with my face turned upward in the utmost ecstatic fangirl expression, but they pulled together by the end and the last song - i'll bring the sun! of all songs - was phenom. phenom. the opening band suddenly appeared onstage with their trumpets and trombones, and i suddenly heard the sound of a cowbell behind me and turned around to see the drummer coming through the crowd, banging on a cowbell for all he was worth, and kelly and i were dancing and clapping and shrieking for all we were worth. it was an amazing moment.

but the show ended by 10, so we made our way to the cambie where we ran into mike and ben and a few other random german buddies. after this point and my fifth ginger-and-rye, i don't remember the night. i don't remember kissing mike, though there are pictures of it. ugh. i don't remember him confessing his undying love for kelly. i don't remember peeing on the sidewalk. i stayed in bed all of sunday. not doing that again for a while.
i shared a smoke with Neanderthal today. am beginning to think that is a lost cause.

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