Saturday, November 1, 2008

all hallow's eve

i trekked into kelly's apartment tonight with a stack of dvds in one hand and a greasy bag of BK in the other. the dvds were planned. the bag of sin was not.
i screwed up big time at work today. i don't even want to get INTO it. anyway, after work i was so depressed that i slunk into burger king, and ate my whopper hunched over like the food-loving fool that i am.

halloween wasn't going to be very big. kelly and i just watched the shining, which is one of my favorite movies. we decided that nobody does contempt like jack nicholson does. he is the master of the ugly sneer, the how-could-you-be-so-damn-thick look. we also watched more eddie izzard, as usual.
my pals and gals in victoria are probably partying it up right now. its probably better that i did not go...because a) i can't afford it and b) my habit of getting posessive when it comes to The Engineer do not mix well with the random hook-ups that usually happen at parties. no doubt i would have forced something to happen, which in itself is probably the worst idea i could have right now.
Neanderthal and i were texting earlier, but that seems to have slowed down...coinciding, i'm guessing, with his drinking speeding up. tonight when kelly and i walked to schlockbuster and then to the 711 for soda to mix ourselves up some drinks, downtown across the water looked so pretty and so alive, i wished we were down there. but now i'm remembering i have a job interview at reitman's tomorrow (don't know how to feel about that), and a huge ass paper due soon, and a serious VISA bill probably in the mail at this very moment.

right now i can hear all these weird thumps and dragging noises outside. no joke. i am a huge horror movie fan, but i don't know how long kelly and i are going to be trying to fall asleep in separate rooms. happy halloweenie.

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